Free CPD
Multilingualism, Mental Health and Psychological Therapy - Course Content
Course Introduction
SECTION 1 Linguistic agency and justice
SECTION 2 Working with an interpreter (1)
SECTION 3 Multilingualism as a therapeutic asset
SECTION 4 Linguistic prejudice, privilege and power
SECTION 5 Working with an interpreter (2)
SECTION 6 Multilingualism – racism and discrimination
SECTION 7 Multilingual therapists’ experiences
SECTION 8 Code-switching and self-translation in the therapeutic context
SECTION 9 Working with couples across languages
SECTION 10 Summary and evaluation
Couse Evaluation
Welsh context supplementary resource
SECTION 2 Power, inclusion and exclusion and invisibility
SECTION 3 Feelings. Identity, authenticity
SECTION 4 Connection
SECTION 5 Differences
SECTION 6 Teaching and Learning
Colleagues across Borders
Dissemination of knowledge via the arts
Bilingual Forum
Privacy Policy
Other Tongues
Tuning In – an anthology
Course Evaluation
Indicates required field
Question 1 : How useful could this training be for mental health practitioners (trainee and qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, supervisors, psychological wellbeing practitioners, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health nurses, interpreters, social workers, family therapists etc.)?
not useful at all
not very useful
quite useful
very useful
How useful could this training be for mental health practitioners (trainee and qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, supervisors, psychological wellbeing practitioners, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health nurses, interpreters, social workers, family therapists etc.)?
To what extent do you feel the length of the resource and time taken to complete it is suitable to cover the relevant knowledge in this topic area?
The resource is too long
The resource is too short
The length of the resource is about right for the topic area
Before accessing this resource, how confident did you feel about working with multilingual clients?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Fairly confident
Completely confident
After accessing this resource, how confident do you now feel about working with multilingual clients?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Fairly confident
Completely confident
How would you apply any of the ideas presented in this training resource to your work as a trainee/qualified psychological therapy practitioner, supervisor or trainer?
How do you think the training material could be improved?
How might you intervene, or think differently with clients, as a result of this training?
Any other comments?
Please enter your email address and the number of hours you have spent on this course to receive your CPD certificate.
Free CPD
Multilingualism, Mental Health and Psychological Therapy - Course Content
Course Introduction
SECTION 1 Linguistic agency and justice
SECTION 2 Working with an interpreter (1)
SECTION 3 Multilingualism as a therapeutic asset
SECTION 4 Linguistic prejudice, privilege and power
SECTION 5 Working with an interpreter (2)
SECTION 6 Multilingualism – racism and discrimination
SECTION 7 Multilingual therapists’ experiences
SECTION 8 Code-switching and self-translation in the therapeutic context
SECTION 9 Working with couples across languages
SECTION 10 Summary and evaluation
Couse Evaluation
Welsh context supplementary resource
SECTION 2 Power, inclusion and exclusion and invisibility
SECTION 3 Feelings. Identity, authenticity
SECTION 4 Connection
SECTION 5 Differences
SECTION 6 Teaching and Learning
Colleagues across Borders
Dissemination of knowledge via the arts
Bilingual Forum
Privacy Policy
Other Tongues
Tuning In – an anthology